Bagel Dog
- 3 Tbsp cornmeal, for dusting
- 1 recipe New York Bagle Dough
- 6 beef jumbo franks
- 3 Tbsp caraway seeds
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and scatter the cornmeal evenly across the paper. Set aside.
- Follow the recipe for the bagel dough through the 7-minute mixer knead, then scrape the dough onto an unfloured work surface. Divide the dough into six equal pieces, each weighing 110g.
- Shape each portion into a rope about 10 in long. Coil one rope around a hot dog, pinching the tail end firmly to the coiled dough. (This is the trickiest part: Make sure to pinch hard so it doesn’t come undone in the boiling water bath.) The ends of the hot dog will be exposed. Place seam-side down on the prepared baking sheet and repeat with the remaining hot dogs and dough portions. Cover the baking sheet tightly with plastic wrap that has been lightly coated with cooking spray and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 8 hours and no more than 11 hours.
- When ready to boil and bake, remove the bagels from the refrigerator and uncover, allowing them to come to room temperature while the oven heats and the water boils. Place a pizza stone, Baking Steel, or inverted baking sheet on the oven’s center rack and set the oven to its highest temperature, 500°F in most home appliances. Heat the oven for at least 30 minutes.
- In the meantime, fill a 5 quart or larger pot with water and bring it to a hard boil. Place a 9 by 13 in piece of parchment on a pizza peel, large cutting board, or an inverted baking sheet. (You need to be able to easily slide the bagel-laden parchment paper from this surface into your oven.)
- The bagel dough wrapped around the hot dogs will be slightly puffed from their overnight rise. Gently lift one at a time, using a slotted spoon or spider, and drop it into the boiling water. Repeat with another one or two bagel dogs only if they fit in the pot without crowding. Use the slotted spoon or spider to flip the dogs over and over in the water until the dough is very slightly puffed and shiny, about 60 seconds and no more than 90 seconds. Small blisters may appear on the surface of the dough.
- Remove the bagel dogs one by one and place cornmeal-side down on the parchment paper on the pizza peel. Sprinkle with the caraway seeds, if using, while the bagel dogs are still damp. Repeat with the remaining bagel dogs; six will fit snugly on the parchment paper without touching.
- Lower the oven temperature to 450°F. Slide the parchment paper with the bagel dogs directly onto the hot surface in the oven and bake until deeply golden brown and shiny, 16 minutes. To remove the bagel dogs from the oven, slide the parchment paper right onto the peel. Transfer on their paper to a wire rack to cool.
Yields: 6 bagel dogs
Source: Cathy Barrow